
Mandatory attributes:

  1. @dtd-version

  2. @article-type

  3. @xml:lang

  4. @xmlns:mml

  5. @xmlns:xlink="http://www.w3.org/1999/xlink"

  6. @specific-use="sps-1.8"


In the attribute @specific-use the value eps-0.1 is only a reference to the version of the Érudit PS. this value should be one of the active versions.

Appears in




<article> is the root element of the XML XML and should mandatory explicity the attributes of the DTD version, the type of the document, the original language of the text, the namespace declaration and the version of the Érudit PS being used.

The attribute @xmlns:mml="http://www.w3.org/1998/Math/MathML" is optional and should be used only when a formula is defined using MathML.

For the JATS @dtd-version it is necessary to define it. To know which version is currently in use in Érudit PS, see NISO JATS Journal Archiving DTD.

For the @article-type attribute the allowed values are:




Commentary - A critique or explanatory article, written to discuss, support or debate a previous article or other publication. It can be an article, letter, editorial, etc. These publications can appear as a commentary, editorial comment, point of view, etc.


Review - Critical analysis of a book or other monographs.


Brief communication - A brief report of research results.


Report, description or case study - Specific research issue.


Errata - Corrects errors in articles after they have been published online and/or in print.


Editorial - A statement of the journal editor’s opinions, beliefs, and policies, usually on issues of interest to the scientific community and society in general.


Press release - Comunicação breve de linguagem jornalística sobre um artigo ou tema.


Letters - Written correspondence between persons or institutions, usually commenting on a published work.


Other type of document - It can be an addendum, annex, discussion, article of concern, or introduction, amongst others.


Retraction or rejection of a part of materials already published.


Brief communication - Report updating research or other news.


Reply (a letter or commentary) - Generally done by the original author and contains additional comments to others previously written.


Original article - It covers research, clinical and surgical experiments and/or other original works.


Retraction (of a scientific article) - A vehicle for correcting an academic work erroneously published, for example, a work that was plagiarized.


Reviews of the literature - Systematic reviews of the literature on a particular subject.

The text language in @xml:lang is described by the standard ISO 639-1 with a 2 digits code in lower case, for more information about the standard see site.

The attribute @specific-use identifies the Érudit Publishing Schema version.

Example JATS version 1.2:

 <article xmlns:xlink="http://www.w3.org/1999/xlink" xmlns:mml="http://www.w3.org/1998/Math/MathML" dtd-version="1.2" specific-use="eps-0.1" article-type="research-article" xml:lang="en">

