
Appears commonly in



Zero or more times


Zero or more times


Zero or more times


Zero or more times


Zero or more times

See the NISO JATS Journal Archiving DTD specifications for a full list of the elements that supports <inline-graphic>.

Used to identify items inserted as inline images anchored in a paragraph. It could b used to represent some special character as image or a small formula that fits in text line as image.


For formulas written in mathml see the element <inline-formula>


<p>We also used an enrichment factor for surface waters (EF<sub>w</sub>) based on the equation:<inline-graphic xlink:href="image.tif"/>. The EF<sub>s</sub> and EF<sub>w</sub> quantified the concentration of the element of interest (C<sub>i</sub>) in the sample, in relation to the (natural) geochemical background.</p>