
Appears in



Zero or more time

Used in <article-meta> to identify the title of a reviewed resource.

Usually review articles don’t have <article-title> or <element-subtitle>.

Consequently they usualy don’t have <title-group>.


Ex: A book review article should have the element product with the title of the reviewed book


Example of <product> in <article-meta>:

  <product product-type="book">
      <related-object>Rosa Bruno-Jofré &amp; James Scott Johnston (Eds.). <italic>Teacher Education in a Transnational World</italic>. Toronto, ON: University of Toronto Press. (2014). 466 pp. $75.00 (hardcover). (ISBN 978-1-4426-4934-7)</related-object>

Example of more then one related <product> in <article-meta>:

  <product product-type="book">
      <related-object>Rosa Bruno-Jofré &amp; James Scott Johnston (Eds.). <italic>Teacher Education in a Transnational World</italic>. Toronto, ON: University of Toronto Press. (2014). 466 pp. $75.00 (hardcover). (ISBN 978-1-4426-4934-7)</related-object>
  <product product-type="book">
      <related-object>Other related object</related-object>

Example of <product> combined with article-title and subtitle <article-meta>:

    <article-title>Romance nouveau genre</article-title>
    <subtitle>Comentaire Critique</subtitle>
  <product product-type="film">
      <related-object><italique>Les Combattants</italique> de Thomas Cailley, France, 2014, 98 min</related-object>