Mandatory attributes:
(ver Attribution Tips for @id)
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Identifies equations and formulas displayed as blocks, it could be outside of a paragraph. The coding could be written according to W3C using MathML (http://www.w3.org/TR/MathML3/), or coded in Tex, LaTeX or even as an image using the element <element-graphic>
as displayed in the examples.
Equation as MathML:¶
<!-- codificar: σˆ2 -->
<xref ref-type="disp-formula" rid="e3">Equation 3</xref>
<disp-formula id="e3">
<mml:math id="m1" display="block">
Equation as LaTeX:¶
<disp-formula id="e10">
<tex-math id="tx1">
\documentclass {article}
\oddsidemargin -1.0in
\[E_it=α_i+Z_it γ+W_it δ+C_it θ+∑_i^n EFind_i+∑_t^n EFtemp_t+ ε_it \]
Equation as imagem:¶
<p>The Eh measurements were recalculated to the standard hydrogen potential (Standard Hydrogen Electrode - SHE), using the following <xref ref-type="disp-formula" rid="e1">equation 1</xref>(in mV):</p>
<disp-formula id="e1">
<graphic xlink:href="1234-5678-rctb-45-05-0110-e01.tif"/>