
Mandatory attributes:

Appears in



Zero or more times


Zero or more times


Zero or more times


Zero or more times


Zero or more times

Identifies equations and formulas displayed as blocks, it could be outside of a paragraph. The coding could be written according to W3C using MathML (http://www.w3.org/TR/MathML3/), or coded in Tex, LaTeX or even as an image using the element <element-graphic> as displayed in the examples.


Equation as MathML:

<!-- codificar: σˆ2 -->

<xref ref-type="disp-formula" rid="e3">Equation 3</xref>
<disp-formula id="e3">
  <mml:math id="m1" display="block">

Equation as LaTeX:

<disp-formula id="e10">
    <tex-math id="tx1">
        \documentclass {article}
        \oddsidemargin -1.0in
        \[E_it=α_i+Z_it γ+W_it δ+C_it θ+∑_i^n EFind_i+∑_t^n EFtemp_t+ ε_it                                 \]

Equation as imagem:

<p>The Eh measurements were recalculated to the standard hydrogen potential (Standard Hydrogen Electrode - SHE), using the following <xref ref-type="disp-formula" rid="e1">equation 1</xref>(in mV):</p>
<disp-formula id="e1">
    <graphic xlink:href="1234-5678-rctb-45-05-0110-e01.tif"/>