
Mandatory attributes:

Appears in



Zero or more times


Zero or more times


Zero or more times

For other elements see the definition of element fig in the NISO JATS Journal Archiving DTD

Zero or more times

Identifies the figures in an article. In this element you must specify the element <label>, you can also specify the elements <caption>, <graphic> and <permissions>. <fig> can still have the following attributes: @fig-type and @xml:lang.

The <graphic> element is used to identify some file types and has attribute @xlink:href which is used to specify the complete name of the referenced image.

The attribute @id allows for cross-referencing within the document (link associated with an “rid”) provided that the attribute has a unique value within the file.


The attribure @xml:lang is not mandatory in <fig>, the absence of this attribute means the content inside <fig> is in the same language of the document.


Example of figure without caption:

The figures may or may not have captions. Figures without a caption should be marked as <fig> and identified with the element <graphic>.

<fig id="f1">
  <label>Fig. 1</label>
  <graphic xlink:href="figure.tif"/>

Example of figue with caption:

<fig id="f03">
  <label>Fig. 3</label>
    <title>Figure Title</title>
  <graphic xlink:href="figure.tif"/>

Example of figure with custom @fig-type:

The attribute @fig-type is used to specify the image type, the value could be one of:








Be sure to represent the correct <label> accoding to the @fig-type.

<fig fig-type="map" id="f1">
  <label>Map 1</label>
    <title>Map Title<title>
  <graphic xlink:href="figure.tif"/>

Example of figure with permissions or source information:

<fig id="f1">
  <label>Fig. 1</label>
    <title>Deaths among patients receiving day hospital care or alternative services.</title>
    <p>Odds ratios of death by end of follow up were calculated by fixed effects model. Heterogeneity between trials is presented as &#x03C7;<sup>2</sup></p>
    <copyright-statement>Source: The National Portrait Gallery, London. All rights reserved</copyright-statement>
  <graphic xlink:href="fig.tif" />

Example of figure with translated caption:

Figures that have translated captions (have more than one <label> and <caption> must be identified with the element <fig-group> which must contain a <fig> element for each language, as well as the attribute @xml:lang.

<fig-group id="f1">
    <fig xml:lang="pt">
        <label>Figura 1</label>
            <title>Caracterização química em óxidos do rejeito.</title>
    <fig xml:lang="en">
        <label>Figure 1</label>
            <title>Chemical characterization of the oxides of the tailing.</title>
    <graphic xlink:href="figure.tif"/>