Welcome to Érudit Publishing Schema Documentation¶
Version 0.3 (Beta) - October 2019.
This guide describes how to use the Markup Style designed by Érudit for the submission of documents in XML format.
The Érudit Publishing Schema (Érudit PS) is compounded by the following specifications:
NISO JATS Journal Archiving DTD (JATS version 1.2 <http://jats.nlm.nih.gov/archiving/1.2/>);
Érudit PS Style containing specialized validations to address Érudit needs. Those validations are made using a Schematron. See the list of Érudit PS Schematron available.
Support Tools¶
Some tools are being maintained by SciELO and Érudit following open source polices, to support the process of evaluation of documents in the XML format.
- Packtools:
A Python Library with tools to evaluate documents in XMLs format against validations specified by a Packtooks Catalog Plugin.
- Érudit Packtools Catalog:
A Packtools Catalog Plugin developed to address the Érudit requirements in the validation of XML documents. This plugin implements the validations specified by the Érudit PS.
General Info¶
Elements List¶
This list represents only the XML elements of the Érudit PS. The complete list of XML elements of the JATS tag set is available at JATS 1.2.
- <abbrev-journal-title>
- <abstract>
- <ack>
- <aff>
- <app>
- <article>
- <article-categories>
- <article-id>
- <article-meta>
- <article-title>
- <attrib>
- <author-notes>
- <award-group>
- <award-id>
- <back>
- <bio>
- <body>
- <boxed-text>
- <caption>
- <city>
- <collab>
- <contrib>
- <contrib-group>
- <contrib-id>
- <copyright-holder>
- <copyright-statement>
- <copyright-year>
- <corresp>
- <country>
- <counts>
- <date>
- <day>
- <disp-formula>
- <disp-quote>
- <element-citation>
- <elocation-id>
- <email>
- <ext-link>
- <fig>
- <fn>
- <fn-group>
- <fpage>
- <front>
- <funding-group>
- <funding-source>
- <given-names>
- <history>
- <inline-formula>
- <inline-graphic>
- <inline-supplementary-material>
- <institution>
- <institution-id>
- <issn>
- <issue>
- <issue-id>
- <journal-id>
- <journal-meta>
- <journal-subtitle>
- <journal-title>
- <journal-title-group>
- <kwd>
- <kwd-group>
- <label>
- <license>
- <list>
- <lpage>
- <mixed-citation>
- <month>
- <name>
- <notes>
- <on-behalf-of>
- <p>
- <page-range>
- <permissions>
- <prefix>
- <product>
- <pub-date>
- <pub-id>
- <publisher>
- <publisher-loc>
- <publisher-name>
- <ref>
- <ref-list>
- <related-object>
- <role>
- <season>
- <sec>
- <self-uri>
- <state>
- <string-name>
- <subtitle>
- <suffix>
- <supplementary-material>
- <surname>
- <table-wrap>
- <table-wrap-foot>
- <title-group>
- <trans-abstract>
- <trans-title>
- <trans-title-group>
- <verse-group>
- <volume>
- <xref>
- <year>